Sunday, October 16, 2011

Swatching eyecolors in Photoshop...

Sarah (my girlfriend) came over to watch the season premiere of the Walking Dead tonight, and after the show we played around creating palettes from pretty pictures on pinterest (a website for women who like to share pictures of fantasy homes and children's rooms, even if they don't have children, I wouldn't go there seeing as I am so manly...), and then we got the idea to create palettes from our own eye colors by putting the camera in each others' faces...

Here are the pretty colors from Sarah's eyes...
(sea-green and sunflower-gold).

These boring brown colors are mine...

There are some grays we can use if we ever want to overlap our wardrobes for that extra couple-ey touch...

oh, and PS- I'm workin' up a little post in the way of  hand tool design (referring to my last post with the hand postures...)